Moloch Out To Cause Devastation


Heavily influenced by Burzum, you can get your hands on this Ukrainian Black Metal album right now

Out now at COLD SPRING Records “Die Isolation” CD. 12’LP white vinyl version (as well as Digital) still available via Desire Records (France) and tape version at An Out Recordings (Usa). Both versions also distributed worldwide via Depressive Illusions Records.

Moloch bandcamp updated with “Die Isolation” and “Horizont”. Download now!

Check it out here:

Tape version of “Verwustung” (loosely translated as “devastation” in German now available for pre-order via Grimoire Cassette Culture. Chrome-plus high-bias cassette tape with 5-panel J-card, housed in bespoke box. Edition of 100 (50 black shell w/gold imprint, 50 gold shell w/ black imprint). Ask also for special Cassette editions of “Horizont” and “Gebrechlichkeit”, that out soon via this label too. And UK Tape edition of “Verwustung” out now via Cruel Nature Records. Pro-tape with amazing cover art and print.

Tape version of “Universum” out now via Pulse Ululations Records.

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