Damian likes this Worcestershire rock band so much he fancies a pint with the singer
WEAK13 are a Grunge Metal Industrial Punk band formed in 1999 in Kidderminster.
The present line up has been together since 2010 and comprises of Neel Parmar (Drums), Wesley Smith (Bass) and Nick J.Townsend (Vocals & Guitar).
The album kicks off with “My Last Summer With You” and it’s a full on bruising encounter with uncompromising vocals heaped over some great heavy backing ending with some unnerving insane laughter. “Down On Me” follows and is a cracking grungy offering with some pretty brutal, uncomfortable lyrics. “Joke” is a real sleazy, heavy, dirty tune with some real tongue in cheek lyrics.
“Sex Pest” is what it says on the tin, we get some prickly lines, gasping sounds, distorted vocals and some Nivarna-ish riffs. A truly wonderful track.
“Ashes In Autumn” is musically much lighter, although the lyrics are a little mournful but saying that very, very catchy. I found myself humming “Tears will make us sad” for a long time after playing this album.
“Closure” and “Cameras Are Everywhere” have a grungier feel about them and Nick’s voice, at times slightly distorted on the latter gave it a real menacing slightly disturbing feel, which only enhanced the lyrical content of the song.
Some cracking guitar riffs introduce us to “Here Come The Drones” a superb tune with some lyrics that will make you sit up and think. Chemtrails get a mention, condensation trails that according to the unproven chemtrail conspiracy theory, are long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft consisting of chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the general public. This is very much in the news at present as the recently departed Prince was a believer and some feel may have died for speaking out about them.
An ironic change of subject and we get “Happiest Undertaker”, a straight up slice of metal with a tale about a, yep, a happy undertaker!! We get fantastic lyrics about embalming bodies when the sun shines.
The penultimate track “Loyal Coward” is a little different in that it is predominantly acoustic led and shows the real talent of these boys. An upbeat melodic song, sardonically about a relationship breakup.
“Obey The Stage” closes out the album and it’s a stunner to end on. A heavy backing with words encouraging us to WAKE UP and avoid the pitfalls of war.
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I was passed this album but it was amazing, each song almost had a different story. A variety of subjects and taboos were covered such as death, life, survival, friendship, sex, love, hate, big brother, conspiracy theories and positive thinking. These lyrics were shared over a magnificent grungy metal soundtrack from a band who certainly knows how to deliver a tune.
Townsend has a unique way of getting his thoughts, views and opinions over and I for one would love to sit down and have a beer while listening to his outlook on life.
This was an astonishing debut album, it was diverse, experimental, intimidating, unnerving, humorous but most of all extremely enjoyable.
Rating 9/10