Funeral doom from Russia
“An impressive debut, which will shake the earth to its core!” It’s a bold claim, but one which Unmercianaries are happy to make.
“Gorgeous, stunningly atmospheric and incredibly heavy stuff” is how some have described the music created by international band , which consists of collaborators from Who Dies In Siberian Slush (Rus), Decay Of Reality (Rus), Forbidden Shape (Rus), My Shameful (Fin / Ger), Absent / Minded (Ger).
One of the tracks features vocals by Daniel Neagoe of London band Eye Of Solitude.
Four songs, lasting almost three quarters of an hour, where each minute is soaked in dark hopelessness and inexorability of time. The final word goes to the band: “time is millstone shall eventually grind everything away,” they say.
GUNGRIND – guitars, bass
E.S. – vocals
Jürgen Fröhling – drums