Featured Band: Heretic’s Dream


With the news that the Italian prog metallers are set to release a new album this year, here’s everything you need to know up to this point.

HERETIC’S DREAM first two albums were well received by international press and the he band performed more than 100 shows in two years, supported artists like RICHIE KOTZEN, CRUCIFIED BARBARAELDRITCHGODYVASECRET SPHERE.

The band was formed in 2010 by guitarist Andrej Surace and vocalist Francesca Di Ventura. The debut album, “The Unexpected Move” was released in 2012 and gathered good international reviews. The two official videos awarded as Best Recommended Videos on UnoTv in October 2012.

HERETIC’S DREAM second album, “Walk the time“, was released in 2013. The album featured special guests like Terence Holler (Eldritch), Steve Volta (Pino Scotto’s Band), Pier Gonella (Mastercastle, Necrodeath), Gabriele Caselli (Eldritch), Marco Pastorino (Secret Sphere), and Gabriele Bellini (Pulse-R).



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