Brit Newcomers DOWNCAST drop their ultra-magnetic self-titled debut EP on Friday 11th January 2019. In anticipation, the UK pop-punkers have just revealed a lyric video for their blistering debut track, Anthurium.
Channelling emotive drive with addictive melodies, DOWNCAST wear their hearts on their sleeves. Drawing influence from everyone from seasoned luminaries such as The Wonder Years and Alkaline Trio, to highly-rated UK stewards ROAM and Neck Deep, the band’s reach is notably diverse, and their sound is intoxicating.
DOWNCAST were only formed this year, however, the trio have wasted no time perfecting their set and working tirelessly on their debut EP with revered producer, Ian Sadler (Anavae, ROAM). Lead Vocalist, Liam Edwards comments: “We wrote and demoed the EP in our bedrooms over the course of about five months. I wanted to write something honest…I hope that this EP will resonate with anyone who is going through a hard time and helps them to feel less alone. I’ve used putting my thoughts and feelings into songs as a way of coping with negative emotions for a while now; it gives them a long-term purpose. I feel that negative things in your life often reveal positive meanings over time. If the things I’ve written about never happened, these five songs wouldn’t exist today.”
DOWNCAST don’t reveal their debut EP until January, but it is certainly worth the wait. Expressing five slabs of truly engaging heartfelt melodic punk, this is a band that are destined to break out to a national audience. Over the coming months, the industrious tunesmiths will release a series of singles and videos, as well as announcing their first UK tour. Big things lay ahead for the band. |