This was another great afternoon at the Tower of Song with some great bands. These events are organised by DC Spectres Dave Checkley, and hosted by Birmingham rehearsal room and studio legend Rob Bruce. As ever the sound is top notch.
Bite Back

The Birkenhead old school punk band hit the stage first and as ever have real stage presence and banter with the audience. After about three songs guitarist and lead vocalist Hocky informs us his hangover is kicking in, but their slick performance is not affected at all.
The bass player also does some lead vocals on their so called love songs (not your usual love songs by any means). Apparently one was about his wife. Throughout their set the bass player dedicates songs to the stars past and present that adorn the wall behind the band. In fairness he probably isn’t old enough to know some of them. (Not sure that was Lionel Ritchie mate to be honest).
The set is slick and they make a cracking noise for a 3 piece, with rocking guitar riffs, punchy and melodic bass, and some excellent drumming that pounds the songs along.
Hocky asks if there are any Terry’s in the audience. When none can be found, they launch into a souped up version of the Specials ‘Concrete Jungle’ which like their own songs goes down a storm.
They end with their own classic ‘The Truth’ and get a pretty amazing reaction for an opening act.
Ambition Demolition

Ambition Demolition from Gloucester are a great gigging band with some pedigree and have played Rebellion a few times. Their songs are very much social and political observation with a dig at the government and authority in general. One song even slags off those who insist on driving and using their mobile phone at the same time and they have some interesting song titles
The best tune for me was ‘Us Against the World’. Their influences are no doubt early punk and there is definitely some Buzzcocks in there. I overheard someone said they sound a bit like Eastfield without the train theme.
They vary the tempo and rhythm throughout the set with one song reminiscent of the Voidoids . They even throw in a Link Wray riff somewhere along the way.
Wonderful set that was only matched in loudness by the bright yellow guitar and excellent choice of trousers.
Screaming Dead
Cheltenham band Screaming Dead have been around since the 1980s. I probably saw them back in the day but given this was the early 1980s I could have been rather inebriated at the time so may not remember.
The singer looks menacing with white face, black make up and piercing stare as they launch into this horror punk set.
Their songs have the gothic and horror theme throughout. They play an interesting mix of Dolls/Stooges type guitar, meets early goth bass lines akin to bands such a Death Cult supported by driving drums.
The set gets better and better as it goes and they play some great rock and roll that goes down well. Their own songs are complemented by and interesting mix of covers including the Stones ‘Paint it Black’ and a wonderful cover of McGuinness Flints ‘When I’m Dead and Gone’. This is an inspired choice of cover and I can’t understand why no-one has covered this before.
Prompted by the crowd reaction they play encores, including ‘Love Song’ and ‘New Rose’ by the Damned to end another great afternoon.
Great to meet up with friends old and new and at one point I was discussing seeing the ‘Laughing Torsos’ at the Star Club must have been late 70s/early 1980s. They were unique to say the least. Right one cue in walks Mad Graham singer of said band. They would have gone down a storm here and if anyone has a recording of them I would quite like to hear it, hand held cymbals and all.