I was driving home from a gig with my best mate last week and we were saying that its funny that the older you get, the less you give a shit about what anyone thinks.
When you’re in your twenties you sort of think you’d best like what everyone in your peer group does to be “cool” (I own a Happy Mondays CD, the fucking Happy Mondays suck…..there was a girl involved).
Now, I’m just about clinging on to the idea that I am in my early 40’s still and I like what I like. Couldn’t care less if I am meant to or not.
To wit: I listened to the new Soulfly record the other day and it was too heavy for me these days. Had to admit it.
Then I put this on instead.
And good lord, oh Watts, how I love you.
I already knew that of course. I’d reviewed an album of theirs a couple of years ago and earlier in 2018 (when I was still 42 and most definitely in my early 40s) I wrote of their new EP: “The whole thing has so much to offer, but most important, there is an innocence, a glee here that the Spotify generation won’t get. This ain’t theirs anyway, it’s ours and dammit we’re taking it back.”
And that’s still how I feel about Watts. They don’t belong to the hipsters. They are for those who love rock n roll.
This is a release of just the two tracks, “Queens” – Dan Kopko takes the lead vocals here and his raspy timbre makes this something like AC/DC – and “The Night The Lights Went Down” (this one has drummer John Lynch singing) and that is a glammed up stomper, one which is the type of thing that Biters do and if everyone here has heard a Stones record or two, then good for them.
The sort of six minutes that reaffirms every reason why you loved rock n roll in the first place and is all the proof you need as to why it’ll never die. And if you think that seems a lofty claim for two songs – or 400 words on such a venture is overkill – then rest assured that neither I nor Watts care what you think. We’d rather just love this, thanks.
Rating 9/10