
London Prog merchants Pure Reason Revolution return with their sixth album, born from the grief that singer Jon Courtney felt after losing the family dog.

After being encouraged to look deeper within for lyrics, “Coming Up To Consciousness” came flooding out.

The title track and prelude adds the predicted gravitas, and “Dig Till You Die” finds the gentle ambiance they are known for. But as befits a record mixed by Bruce Soord of Pineapple Thief, there’s plenty of texture.

“Betrayal” is one of many tracks that feature Annicke Shireen. That mixture of Courtney and a female vocal has always been integral to the PRR sound, but with regular singer Chloe Alper unavailable, there’s been a change.

Also joining Courtney and Greg Jong is session royalty Guy Pratt (Pink Floyd), and his work on the floating “The Gallows” is impressive, as is his work on “Useless Animal.” This underlines yet again that although PRR might have flavours of other bands’ sounds (to these ears they recall Anathema’s latter phase), they don’t do it like anyone else. The sweeping soundscapes of “Worship” are beguiling and bewitching in equal measure before the thunder of the drums breaks the reverie.

“Bend The Earth” finds its electronic sound over a more sparse bed, and the half-whisper of “Lifeless Creature” almost makes you think you’re intruding.

The piano of “As We Disappear” changes the dynamic again on the last one, but as Courtney sings, “it’s in the air.” Maybe it is, but the creative streak that appears to have been unlocked here is mighty impressive.

Rating: 8/10

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