Everyone Says Hi sees ex-Kaiser Chiefs’ songwriter/drummer Nick Hodgson adopt the role of lead singer/guitarist/frontman, and brings together musicians Pete Denton on bass, Glenn Moule on drums, keyboard player Ben Gordon (ex-members of The Kooks, The Howling Bells, and Liverpool’s The Dead 60s respectively), alongside Leeds based guitarist Tom Dawson. The band’s name is lifted from a David Bowie song of the same title. The quintet release their self-titled debut album this month.
The album kicks off with the rolling melodic ballad like `Somebody Somewhere` which the singer has shared “I always wanted to write a song about how anonymous messages can hit someone pretty hard when they’re down, because the person sending the message has no idea what’s going on at that moment in the other person’s life. It’s inspired by a very specific moment when I was still in Kaiser Chiefs and a thoughtless bit of trolling coincided with a life-changing event and it really affected me.” There`s a kind of dreaminess to `Lucky Stars`, a song that seems to be in praise of somebody close and about how much they mean to the narrator.
`Only One` is another love song, a mid-paced serenade to that special someone. There`s a trippy ambience to `Brain Freeze` which was written about going on a recovery mission to Ibiza after disagreements that occupy your life sometimes.
`I Wish I Was In New York City` I could reply don`t we all but this is a kind of inner monologue of the desire to succeed set against a faraway soundscape. I read somewhere that `On The Same Side` was written for Liam Gallagher who rejected it. It`s number that`s about feuds and making up and has that anthemic feel that I’m sure would have suited the Oasis frontman.
`I Wasn’t Dreaming` is a love ballad that sounds like the vocals are shared through a megaphone at times throughout. There seemed to be an unhealthy relationship recounted in `Holding On To Let Go` a melodic indie pop song.
`Tried And Failed` is a melancholic musing on trying but being ultimately unsuccessful but unwilling to admit it. The final cut `Did I Just Fall In Love` is a tranquil ruminative offering on a new relationship.
The songs on `Everyone Says Hi` are well written, wonderfully constructed and ruminate on some emotional topics but although I enjoyed it, there seemed to be something almost missing. I`m sure if I give this album a few more listens maybe it`ll hit home.
Rating 7.5/10