Blue Violet are an alternative indie duo who comprise of husband-and-wife Sam Gotley and Sarah McGrigor.
They previously performed under the guise of Broken Bones Matilda before regrouping to form Blue Violet, Blue for their melancholic element and Violet for the vividness. They release their latest album `Faux Animaux` this month, which translates to fake animals or something that is artificial but intended to look real.
The album opens with `Sweet Success` an enticing electronic track that Goldfrapp would die for. The band have revealed that it`s about the never-ending search for achievement in a commercial cutthroat world. An alluring listen with honeyed vocals that tease but at the same time have an underlying sense of danger. About the enticing `Imagine Me` the duo have said”It’s about the anticipation of a sexual encounter, the lust that goes with fantasising about it, and the subsequent disappointment of it ending too soon.” A heavier electronic offering with some delightfully traded vocals between Sam and Sarah in the latter section.
`Survival` is fairly heartbreaking ballad like submission about which the pair have disclosed the following “Sometimes we do not understand how those who are closest to us could hurt us the most; this is a song about how we come to terms with that feeling.” There was a similar vibe on `Talking to You` which feels as if we are eavesdropping on the dying embers of a relationship where one partner is reaching out in the hope of salvation but being ultimately frustrated.
`The Librarian` is a contemplative introspective musing on maturing reflected through life experiences with dual vocals shared over a dreamy musical backing with occasional haunting guitar chords. A rhythmic beat leads us through the thoughtful `Cold Hearts` which appear to hint at romantic indifference.
`Boogie Shoes` has a kind of sleazy glam like ambience and was written as a post-pandemic entreaty to get out and grab life again. A vision of night-crawlers with a seedy undercurrent. In `Fire` we have a number about the relationship between desire and how it manifests once acted upon. Another enticing slow burn with some intricate guitar chord riffs sprinkled throughout.
`Teeth Out` rolls along with an almost reflective folk like ambience whereas the melancholic `Barefoot on the Seine` was inspired by witnessing protests in Chicago and Europe. Singer Sarah McGrigor says: “It’s a protest song that promotes the message that love conquers all. It is about freedom; the freedom to make the world you want to live in a reality. The freedom to make choices about how you wish to live your life.” The number erupts with an angry intensity vocally and musically intermittently as it evolves.
The album closes out with the fairly intensive title track `Faux Animaux` which appears to be about escaping the shackles of an unhealthy relationship and taking back control.
Blue Violet have disclosed in interviews that `Faux Animaux` is a significant step in the band’s evolvement and the album`s direction emphasises a more energetic approach with faster tempos and heavier guitar sounds. They also mentioned incorporating synthesizers to add depth to their arrangements, aiming to create a cohesive live performance experience.
It`s a courageous move and does seem to work. I was fortunate to hear some of these tracks shared live on the band`s last tour and they do have a magnificently enduring charm.
Rating 8.5 / 10