I had heard a lot of good things about local band Sweetpool prior to the gig so it was a good time to check them out. They are atmospheric from the off with pumping melodic bass, haunting guitar and ultra tight drums. ‘American’ opens the set and is followed by ‘Super Unnatural’ and the audience are already hooked and mesmerised by the wall of sound, many clearly fans of the band.
The cool drum beat leads in 2023 single ‘In Winter’ which notches up the intensity and is as hypnotic as they come with driving bass that has an amazing sound. This track like others tonight features on their latest album ‘Triple Earth Square’ released this year. ‘You Made This’/’Magic Food’ that follow shows how together they are as a band as they change the groove, feel and intensity in unison. They make an amazing sound for a three piece.
The tracks that follow, ‘Birds’ and ‘Monsters’ are absolute bangers and a cool move is the way they extend their own songs to make them even more dynamic in a live show. They end with ‘Back to the Factory’ from their latest album. The bass in this is classic post punk, the guitar edgy backed by some clever intricate drum sounds.
This was a great set and if I had to give an indication of their sound I would say they are a cross between Hawkwind, the Chameleons, Sugar and the Editors which is no bad thing. Great band that are very active gig wise and you should check them out.

Qujaku formed in 2013 and are based in Japan. This UK tour is to celebrate the release of the new single and a first for some time, ‘Ruiteggaakupanshi’. They hit the stage with a crazy wall of noise with one of the guitarists beating a floor Tom Tom to a pulp to accompany the tribal drumming battered out from behind the kit. I have to say for me this opening reminded me of seeing metal box era PIL, a kind of WTF moment.
They move effortlessly through tracks from their many releases and recent single, each track with a slightly different feel but the mania remains throughout. Many of the audience know the songs well and their appreciation of hearing these songs played live is well received by the band.
These songs have complexity and dynamics aplenty with the bands going berserk creating amazing pieces of music and vocal performances supported by some innovative and cool drum patterns each song with a life its own.
This was an amazing performance and assault on the senses – you really have to immerse yourself in these tunes to appreciate how well-crafted and well played they are. For those who came thinking this was going to be Japanese punk played at a brutal breakneck speed will have been mistaken, the songs were mid paced and brutal, but to be honest brutal doesn’t go far enough.
Their music has been described as gothic dark shoegaze, but there is everything in the songs, elements of punk, noise rock, psychedelia, rock, industrial, post punk, electronic and at times bordering on classical and jazz.
This was a great gig in a great venue from two excellent bands and thanks to my mate for suggesting the gig – he looked so chuffed as he walked out of the gig with his Qujaku vinyl under his arm while clutching his Sweetpool setlist.
Nice to bump into Fliss Kitson from the Nightingales who I have never met before. Note to self – Must get to some of the shows she puts on they look great.