The Dregs
As always I can’t say too much about the band I play in but the post below after the gig gives you a good indication of our slot. The band would all like to say thanks to all those who turned out early to see us and show their support, it means a lot. It was an honour to support Menace a band who’s singles I still have in my possession from the first wave of punk.
It shows their pedigree as this small but excellent venue is rammed early.
Following the loss of Finn, Noel Martin now fronts the bands and has recruited some top-notch players. Having given up the drum stool after 46 years to front the band he obviously needed a drummer to replace his drumming prowess and this new guy is amazing. They take us through a mix of old tracks and some newer stuff and the playing was class throughout and they kicked out the choruses.
They kick off with ‘Truth’., which is followed by ‘Nowhere Fast’ and first single ‘Screwed Up’ which starts the crowd participation. It’s still a classic. ‘Monkey’ and ‘Party Animal’ follow the latter dedicated to Finn and original singer Morgan Webster.
‘Rocks and Dust’ is a great song and my personal favourite ‘I’m Civilised’ sparks a mass singalong (how the fuck was that not an A side) and ‘Leave Me Alone’ gets a similar crowd reaction.
Menace have always written great songs with choruses that other bands would kill for. The home straight of ‘Insane Society’, the amazing ‘C&A’, the subtle ‘Fuck You’., and the punk classics ‘GLC’ and ‘Last Year’s Youth’ shows their class and has everyone singing and dancing. In the encore we are treated to their rendition of the ska classic ‘Monkey Man’ which draws to a close a great afternoon.
Menace have so many brilliant songs and they could have done another hour easily. Maybe they will play some of these when they support the UK Subs final tour in Birmingham on 22nd September which also has Chelsea on the bill.
Hats off to Dave Checkley and Rob for putting these Dracula’s Garage gigs on at the Tower of Song. They have all been great shows in a place that prides itself on good sound and equipment and long may it continue.