You wanted boats? You get boats. Notorious Pirate Kings ALESTORM have unveiled a special surprise for all ye weary seafarers – the new single, “Big Ship Little Ship” – originally released via the 7″ inch included with the Curse Of The Crystal Coconut wooden box set.
Accompanying this heavy, folky, sing-a-along shanty is a high-spirited official music video showcasing the members of ALESTORM and their musical guests joining forces in the name of fun, stuffed sharks, riding lawnmowers, cruise ships, Hurdy Gurdy and so much more. No matter the size of your ship, a pirate’s life is for you!
ALESTORM on “Big Ship Little Ship”:
“Oh wow! We’ve all been stuck at home and incredibly bored since the release of our latest album ‘Curse of the Crystal Coconut’, so we thought we’d make a fun little ‘home video’ for y’all, to celebrate the digital release of our two bonus tracks ‘Big Ship Little Ship’ and ‘Bassline Junkie’. We even got the wonderful Patty Gurdy involved, since this song features a massive hurdy gurdy melody that she played on the record. Watch us do our normal everyday home activities, such as crossdressing, shouting obscenities at buildings, and hanging out in children’s playgrounds!”
The “Pirate Metal Drinking Crew” is back to show all the filthy landlubbers what they’re made of. ALESTORM‘s sixth long-player, Curse of the Crystal Coconut, features eleven tracks presented in ALESTORM‘s signature unadulterated, chaotic fashion. Adding to that are guest performances from musical greats like Ally Storch of SUBWAY TO SALLY (violin on the entire album) and Captain Yarrface of RUMAHOY!
A must-have, riff-laden anthem at any party, “Treasure Chest Party Quest” takes the listener onto a journey into the depths of the darkest taverns of “Tortuga” and Christopher Bowes’ unique sense of humor. The smashing, lively track “Chomp Chomp”, featuring vocals of Vreth of FINNTROLL, may make you never want to enter the open waters again, but will definitely entice you to dance along with its addictive melodies. “Pirate Metal Drinking Crew” is yet another foot-stomping anthem on the album that excels with a catchy rhythm and indelible hook. Be careful to not anger the great pirate Scurvy, or he might just unleash the Curse Of The Crystal Coconut with the brutal riffs of the “Pirate’s Scorn” upon you.
Whether the album makes you want to grab a fresh coconut and sip it or open up a nice bottle of beer – it will definitely lead to a wild piratical escapade. For the extra-adventurous pirates amongst you, ALESTORM have released a 2-CD Mediabook with ground-breaking 16th century interpretations of the songs. Be sure to get yours.
Order Curse of the Crystal Coconut HERE!
Be quick, most formats are already sold out!
Christopher Bowes – vocals, keytar
Gareth Murdock – bass
Mate Bodor – guitar
Peter Alcorn – drums
Elliot Vernon – keyboard
For more information, visit: