Hailing from Cologne, Germany if you’ve yet to come across the fuzz packing, hirsute’d and suitably hardrock booted Plainride then fear not, it’s never too late to learn the secrets of the Jackalope:
Jackalope Recipe – Ingredients:
Earth Rockin’ Drums
A beard growth inducing Bass
Fuzzomental Guitars
The Roar of a Wolf Man
…A whole lotta beer
Having shared stages with the likes of Nashville Pussy, 1000mods, Valley Of The Sun, The Atomic Bitchwax and Greenleaf, the German quartet initially self-released their debut back in the summer of 2015 to some mighty impressive reviews. As Legacy Magazine’s Tamino Freitag put it best, “Return Of The Jackalope is definitely one of the most captivating, exciting and best debuts in recent times. A bright future undoubtedly lies ahead for Plainride after busting out this highlight of the year.”
It was only a matter of time before the album would soon find its way to Ripple Music HQ, where it was subsequently picked up and played ad infinitum. Endowed with the sound of 70s rock and roll and heavy stoned-out psych, Return of the Jackalope is as thunderous as it is mysterious.
Headed up by eccentric riff/noble-man Fabe van Fuzz, renowned Europe-wide as the only heir to a mysterious and shady fortune, van Fuzz has funded his ventures through the purchase of fine instruments, occult artifacts and obscure literature in search for the ever-elusive Jackalope. Followed closely in his footsteps is fellow axe-slinger and vocalist Max Rebel who, after escaping a seedy orphanage misspent most of his youth scouring the streets for food and dodging officials. Though born into poverty, blessed with the gift of gab and extremities of pure rock ‘n’ roll, after scratching along in various bands for a number of years, a tattered bulletin caught his eye: “Band Looking for Singer”. He knew his time had come.
Seeking further counsel, van Fuzz and Rebel rescued Leo Lionthatch from a caste of clerics in a monastery, hidden away from the filth and fury of the big cities. He quickly developed a keen sense for the gossamer threads binding the physical to the spiritual worlds and fortunately for all involved played mean bass guitar. Serving as the perfect rhythm buddy and final piece of the puzzle, landed gentry member/drummer Florian “The Brave” Schlenker – who in his time has plundered countless armouries to blow many a hole in the east wall – completes the line-up of deserters and sonic groove restoration experts, collectively know as Plainride.
On 10th February 2017, Ripple Music will officially rerelease Return of the Jackalope on CD/Vinyl/Digital and in the meantime you can stream and share the album in full via Plainride’s Bandcamp page – plainride.bandcamp.com |