Dragged up from the gutters and back alleys of London’s ripe underbelly, the four members of Seven Days and Doesn’t Die have long formed alliances in the capital’s dark basements and back rooms, concocting sleaze infested riffs atop guttural beats, fists of bass and hungry vocals. Seven Days spit naked, armed truths from their salty incendiary rock n ’roll backdrop. They blaze an effusive assault that keeps going and keeps giving. This is music to burn your bridges to.

Their debut self-titled album is set for release this coming November 19th via Seven Days Records and today sees the single release of album opener ‘Snatching Defeat’ – four minutes of stonkingly powerful, high-velocity metallic rock n’ roll that hits suitably hard.

“I got the phrase Snatching Defeat from Wayne Kramer from MC5 as I was reading the book Please Kill Me,” explains singer and guitarist Kit. “He was talking about Johnny Thunders…’he was always snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.’ I thought it was as funny as it was tragic, the way people do that…..almost like a game, living up to a self- fulfilling prophesy that you’re cursed right from the start. You just can’t help yourself; you’ve got to play the game!”

Recorded by Tom Hough at Snap Studios and Dean’s gaff and mastered by Dave Draper, Seven Days and Doesn’t Die lunge straight for the throat and accelerate into view all pounding drums, sneering vocals, anthemic back-ups and chugging, blaring riffs.

Watch the video for ‘Snatching Defeat’ HERE:

You can pre-order the album at Bandcamp HERE:

Album Track-listing:

  1. Snatching Defeat
  2. Car Crash
  3. No Restitution
  4. Black Salt
  5. Live Fast, Die Fast
  6. Deadbeat Rodeo
  7. Tarzanello

Seven Days and Doesn’t Die are:

Kit: vocals, guitar

Deano: guitar

Roadkill: bass

Nic: drums

Find Seven Days and Doesn’t Die online at: