Featured Band: From The Wolves


Expect metalcore carnage

 Hailing from Calgary, the imaginatively named From The Wolves mix melody with metalcore, creativity with carnage, and intelligence with aggression, something they’ve nailed with their new EP ‘Nightmares’ , which captures their live fury forever like some creature in amber. Describing their sound as “an absolutely horrifying unnatural train-wreck” and live as “a very high energy show”, From The Wolves are taking their music to the next level with inspiration from The Ghost Inside, Parkway Drive, Emmure, Norma Jean and The Acacia Strain.

As drummer Layne Frank says of the new EP. “Our fans will love it. It is fast and aggressive with hard hitting riffs with some melodic hooks thrown in…we want our listeners to go through an emotional roller coaster when listening to us.”

The creative well for From The Wolves is deep. “We wanted a fast and aggressive EP and these three songs were perfect for what we were going for. Fans can expect a lot more music from us.”

Fantasy plays no part in From The Wolves’ lyrical influences as they are inspired by “life experiences and anything we strongly believe in.”
Layne feels that From The Wolves’ sound is evolving rapidly. “We have grown a lot as a band, when we started, we were mainly writing with a more ‘hardcore’ style as you can hear with songs like ‘Empty Promises’, ‘Sheep’ and ‘Antagonist’ but we were always pushing for metalcore with ‘Legacy’. ‘Dead End Horizons’ and the latest song, ‘Calloused’. We have come a long way when it comes to song-writing and how we structure songs…We are influenced by a ton of different styles of metal. The main influences for us would have to be metalcore, deathcore and everything in between.”

As Layne sums up confidently. “On the whole the EP is just an angry statement towards the world and everything we all deal with on a daily basis.”

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