
When “Blood In The Water” kicks off “Miracle Formula 168”, it’s a case of “Never mind the guests, crack on with the song.”  You almost have to remind yourself of that all the way through.

Least, you should do. For, yes, The Cockney Rejects’ Micky Geggus is here, but if you liked the punk n’ roll of bands like the Yo-Yo’s and the myriad bands that followed in the wake of The Wildhearts, then get to it. It’s almost an order.

There’s a ska tinge to “Magnetic North” and its chorus is interesting. Not only is it extremely catchy, its hook “memory steers me like a compass, to a sense of somewhere where I fit in”, and maybe that’s why Vicious Bishop exist, to help the blokes involved  find a sense of belonging in this modern world.

At this point, we should probably say the band features drummer Dave Nuttall (ex-Toy Dolls), bassist Adz Woods, and vocalist/guitarist Rich Davenport (ex-Radio Stars). Years of experience. Right there and right here, right now.

And Woods is right to the fore on the pogotastic attack on 2024 that is “Shouting Down The Sewer”. “No one hears a word in this tidal wave of turds, shouting down the sewer. If it’s not about social media, it damn well should be.” And Dave Parsons of Sham 69 provides the solo.

Only four songs; but punk royalty turns up again on the last one. Andy Ellison (John’s Children, Radio Stars) co-wrote and adds his presence to the dark “She’s So Dissatisfied,” a chugging highlight if ever there was one.

A quartet of songs that show Vicious Bishop to be a band to look out for, never mind their mates. Whatever they’re searching for here, it sounds like in the music at least, they belong.

Rating: 8.5/10

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